Saturday 6 November 2010

Give The Guy A Break!

You can't have failed to notice them, right? You know, the "things" that go boom, bang and whoosh in the night.

We're talking fireworks, of course, Guy Fawkes, bonfires and all manner of incendiary celebrations.

Look, it's 2010 and Mr Fawkes died in 1605 - more than 400 years ago.

Ain't it time to give this guy a break?


Think of the dogs and cats terrified, cowering in corners and under tables. They've never even heard of Guy Fawkes!

Give pets a break, too!

Let's not celebrate a gruesome death. Guy, or Guido, as he called himself was an extremely brave individual who was tortured without mercy until he broke.

Later, he and his co-conspirators were executed by being hung, drawn and quartered.

Do we really want to continue to celebrate such cruelty?

Surely not.

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