Thursday 4 November 2010

Edinburgh Trams "hell on wheels"

Oh dear me, Edinburgh's troubled trams project trouble, yet again, it would appear. What a surprise. You couldn't make it up!

The latest setback involves the resignation of trams project chairman David Mackay.

In media interviews, Mr Mackay hits out at German contractors Bilfinger Berger and describes the project as "hell on wheels".

David Mackay. Photo:
 Edinburgh Trams
Now there are calls for trams project bosses to explain themselves to the Scottish Parliament.

Edinburgh MSP Shirley Anne Somerville said the latest developments confirmed the SNP's warning the tram project was being pushed for political and not practical reasons.

Ms Somerville added, "The SNP warned our political opponents that forcing the Scottish Government to implement this project would lead to funding problems and chaos for people in Edinburgh. It is deeply unfortunate that with David MacKay’s resignation we are seeing our worst fears realised."

In a resignation statement, published on Edinburgh Trams website, Mr Mackay makes no reference to the "hell on wheels" jibe widely reported in the media.

Instead, he describes the project as being "enormously absorbing", adding there was never going to be an entirely ideal time to step aside.

He says, "In the past few months I have been keen to see a number of milestones set in place and this I have now done. I believe that for every Chair there comes an important juncture when the most powerful action you can take is to pass the controls to a successor and to then watch that organisation develop further under a new champion.

“The last few years have been stimulating and challenging and I believe that considerable progress has been made across many fronts and particularly, on Trams, where our imperative to protect the public purse has been notably successful.

“The time has now come when it is appropriate for me to move on which should allow me to refocus my energies on to a better, and probably much overdue, calmer work/life balance.

“I would particularly like to pay tribute to the many colleagues and peers I have worked with and those at Edinburgh Trams in particular who have shown remarkable resilience and energy in the face of what has been at times, a very difficult and complex situation”.

Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council, Councillor Jenny Dawe, says she is "obviously disappointed" to be losing the drive, commercial expertise and commitment which Mr Mackay brought to his chairmanship of Transport Edinburgh, Lothian Buses and TIE ( the council's Transport, Infrastructure and Environment committee).

She adds, "However, I would like to express my sincere thanks to David and pay tribute to the pivotal role he has played on this enormously important project for the city. I was aware that we were unlikely to retain David until full project delivery and fully appreciate his reasons for standing down at this point.

“Urgent steps will be taken to ensure that we build upon the very substantial foundation that David Mackay has built.”

No mention there of any "hell on wheels". Time for some real answers, surely. The people of Edinburgh deserve nothing less.

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