Monday 26 March 2012

It's time to ditch the Union

Sordid, corrupt, immoral.

The definition of sleaze, that is.

Not an apposite description of the Tory Party, right? The political party claiming to best represent the Union and its interests.

A party now apparently in tune with the aspirations of the majority of the Scottish people, if you believe the "expert" commentaries which followed on from the Scottish Conservative Party conference in Troon last week.

At the conference, SNP bashing reached new heights - almost messianic in its fervour - revealing yet again a party blinkered and bereft of any visionary ideas.

Yet, as verbal attack after verbal attack was launched in Troon, a crisis of titanic proportions was unfolding some 500 miles away, in Westminster, which has all but deluged the perceived green shoots of Tory political recovery in Scotland.

The timing of the 'cash for access' crisis couldn't be bettered as a conference backdrop and aftermath.

It's forced prime minister David Cameron to publish a list of major party donors who have attended dinner at 10 Downing Street in a bid to draw a line under the whole sordid affair. But the latest move has not stopped opposition howls for a public inquiry.

Former Tory co-treasurer Peter Cruddas sparked the crisis when he claimed in secret filming by undercover Sunday Times reporters that individuals could secure meetings with ministers and influence policy formation in return for a “premier league” donation of around £250,000.

Mr Cruddas resigned.

Mr Cameron denounced the revelations as "completely unacceptable" and there would be an internal party inquiry into the affair.

Same old, same old.

Sordid, corrupt, immoral.

The definition of sleaze.

It's time to ditch the Union.

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